A total of 30 Form Five students joined a Study Camp at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 20th to 24th June. Students stayed at the campus and experienced the life similar to university students. They followed the strict schedule which was set by their teachers and did revision individually or in groups accordingly. Students were attentive and made good use of the time to consult their teachers. We had very nice teachers to visit them every day and had revision with them on the campus. Students enjoyed and gained a lot and they were proud of themselves for the maturity and rationality they shown during the camp. 


中五多元學習日於2月17日順利舉行,是次活動的主題是生命教育,故中五同學到跑馬地天主教墳場及天主教墳場接觸死亡,過通觀索各個不同的墓碑和思考雕塑的意義,告誡同學要珍惜生命,活在當下。Form Five students had their Diversity Learning Day on 17th February. The theme of the activity was life education. Therefore, they visited the St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery Happy Valley and the Catholic Cemetery. During the visit, students observed and admired different gravestones and cultures. It is hoped that students will cherish their life and experience the happiness of the present moment after the trip.

中四多元學習日分別於2月17日及24日順利舉行,4A,4B,4D,4E班的同學參觀大埔慈山寺。當日我們透過一系列的禪修活動,包括供水、行禪、抄經、吃齌飯等,希望同學可以暫時離開市區的煩囂,放下煩惱,感受慈山寺的一絲的寧靜。而4C班的同學與其餘四班同學分道揚鑣,來到昂平山的蓮池寺,蓮池寺是由一行禪師及法國梅村所成立的一所寺院。同學透過多元化的佛教活動修習正念,包括:法師開示、唱頌、坐禪、吃齌飯等活動,使同學在是次活動中,能夠培養正見,如何活得安樂自在。Form Four students had their Diversity Learning Days on 17th and 24th February respectively. Classes 4A, 4B, 4D, 4E visited the Tsz Shan Monastery in Tai Po. Students experienced several meditation activities, including water offering, walking meditation, Zen calligraphy and eating meditation. These activities aimed at giving students an opportunity to temporarily leave the hustle and bustle of the city and to feel the tranquillity of Tsz Shan Monastery. Class 4C went to Lotus Pond Temple in Ngong Ping. Lotus Pond Temple was founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village. Students experienced a wide range of Buddhist activities including dharma talk, singing practice, meditation, eating meditation. All these activities let students cultivate correct wisdom and how to live peacefully and happily.

中三多元學習日於2月17日順利舉行,是次活動採用電子學習的形式到大澳進行生態文化探索,以配合通識科學習內容及跨學科活動。經過是次活動,同學對大澳的環境生態、歷史文化、風土人情有更透徹的識識。 Form Three students had their Diversity Learning Day on 17th February. Students were asked to explore the ecological issues of Tai O using iPads. The e-Learning approach had successfully integrated the context of Liberal Studies with the cross curriculum. After the event, students had a thorough understanding on the ecology, history and culture and custom of Tai O.



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


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