中二多元學習日分別於2月17及24日順利舉行,為了培養同學的慈悲及堅毅的精神及配合跨學科課程,本校安排了同學分別於兩天到油麗邨探訪獨居長者。長者年輕的時候為社會貢獻良多,但他們在年老的時候往往被社會忽略。本校希望透過是次活動,令同學以慈悲心關懷長者,學習長者「活到老、學到老」的堅毅精神。The Form Two Diversity Learning Days were held successfully on 17th and 24th February respectively. In order to facilitate the cross curriculum and encourage students to show compassion and perseverance, teachers brought students to visit the singleton elderly in Yau Lai Estate. The elderly worked industriously in the old days and made a great deal of contribution to our society. It is hoped that students will learn from the elderly and show concern to them.

中一多元學習日於2月17日順利舉行,一眾師生當天懷著興奮的心情浩浩蕩蕩來到嘉道理農場參觀,寓活動於學習,以配合科學科的學習內容。 The Form One Diversity Learning Day was held on 17th February. All teachers and students were excited for their visit to the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden. It was a great chance for students to gain some new Science knowledge through the visit.

為了培養學生的自主學習習慣,我們於本年度在研習中心推出「五人小組補習」及增設「自主學習廊」,為同學提供課後自主學習空間、溫習材料及導師。同學可於課後時間自行到研習中心做家課及溫習,遇到學業難題,隨時可以向導師請教。In order to cultivate the self-regulated learning ability of our students, we have launched a "five-member small group tutorial" scheme at the Study Center this year. Besides, there is an "Independent Learning Zone" which provides students with self-regulated learning areas, revision materials and assistance from tutors. Students can do their homework and study in the Study Center after school. They can seek help from tutors whenever they have any problems. 

佛教何南金中學每年都會為中一、二學生逢星期一、二、四放學提供功課輔導班,功課班推行數年間,成功培養出學生做功課的習慣,深受同學及家長歡迎。每班功課班均有兩位導師轉導同學做功課,大部份導師更是舊生,既可以讓他們回饋母校,也可以成為同學的引路明燈。Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College provides homework tutorial classes for F1 and F2 students every year. The classes are held every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school. Through these few years, we have successfully helped students cultivate the habit of doing homework. The scheme is welcomed by both students and parents. There are two tutors in each class to offer help and take care of the students. Meanwhile, most of the tutors are alumni which give them an opportunity to make some contribution to the school and let them act as a beacon to the junior form students.



In order to improve and strengthen junior form students’ study habits and allow them to have more time for review and preparation at home, our school has implemented homework tutorial classes for F1 and F2 students for the whole year. Homework tutorial classes are held every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday after school with the aim of providing after-school homework tutoring for students by teachers and experienced college students. Teachers not only help students solve the difficulties they face on schoolwork but also give guidance on how they should allocate their time appropriately among activities, homework and self-learning.



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

電話 | Telephone:23400871

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電郵 | Email:enquiry@bhnkc.edu.hk