A total of 30 Form Five students joined a Study Camp at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 20th to 24th June. Students stayed at the campus and experienced the life similar to university students. They followed the strict schedule which was set by their teachers and did revision individually or in groups accordingly. Students were attentive and made good use of the time to consult their teachers. We had very nice teachers to visit them every day and had revision with them on the campus. Students enjoyed and gained a lot and they were proud of themselves for the maturity and rationality they shown during the camp. 





Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

電話 | Telephone:23400871

傳真 | Fax:23473665

電郵 | Email:enquiry@bhnkc.edu.hk