2023-24 Mathematics MOI Activity Day

Mathematics MOI Activity Day was held on 24 April in our school covered playground.  During lunch hour, the students from Form 1 to Form 3 became challengers to enjoy a curriculum-aligned game-based activity which is a card game calculating "24" or “1”. The basic gameplay of the game is to add and subtract, multiply, and divide 4 numbers (1 to 10) to calculate the number 24 or 1. Each number can only be used once, and parentheses and brackets can be used in the operation. There can be more than one answer. The more fun will be found in the number combinations from 1 to 10.  The less time you have to complete, the higher you will be on the list.
數學科以英語為教學話言的活動日(MOI Activity Day) 於4月24日在本校的有蓋操場舉行。




Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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