中一自行分配學位申請章程 ( 2023 - 2024 )

報名資格:      2022-2023年度就讀小六學生。


  1. 由即日起,到本校校務處索取中一申請表或在本校網頁下載。(中文報名表格)
  1. 於2023年1月3日至2023年1月17日期間,將下列有關文件交回本校:
  • 本校中一入學申請表格
  • 教育局派發的「中一自行分配學位申請表」
  • 申請人小學五年級及六年級成績表影印本
  • 身份證明文件影印本
  • 其他校外活動證明文件或學習經驗的影印本
  • 一個貼上郵票回郵信封,請在信封背後寫上學生姓名


  1. 學校辦公時間: 星期一至五 (上午7:30 至 下午5:30)
                             星期六        (上午8:30 至 下午1:00)

  2. 面試
  • 全部申請人均有面試機會,本校將於2023年3月4日前以郵件通知申請者面試,
  • 面試時,學校會根據下列項目來甄選學生:
    • 中英文及數理能力
    • 溝通技巧/應對
    • 禮儀
    • 常識
    • 體藝才能
    • 學習態度
    • 家庭生活
    • 應變能力
  1. 收生準則
  • 本校中一自行分配學位取錄準則 :                                         

    教育局成績次第排名                                        10%
    校內成績                                                           20%
    面試                                                                   30%
    操行及態度                                                       20%
    課外活動、服務及獎項                                    20%
  1. 自行收生名額 40名
  1. 注意事項
  1. 本校將於2023年3月31日以書面及電話通知正取學生家長,其子女已獲本校納入自行分配學位正取學生名單。


Application Guidelines for S.1 Discretionary Places ( 2023/24 )

  • Application is for P.6 students of the academic year 2022-23 only.

Application Procedure

  1. Application form can be obtained from the General Office of Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College or downloaded from the School Website ( Application Form)

  2. The following documents should be submitted to the school between 3 Jan 2023 and 17 Jan 2023:
  • The completed Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College Application Form
  • The completed Application Form for S1 Discretionary Place provided by EDB
  • Photocopies of Primary 5 and Primary 6 School Report Cards
  • Photocopy of Identity Card or equivalent
  • Photocopies of qualifications, certificates, awards or records of extra-curricular activities
  • A stamped addressed envelope with the name of the applicant on the back of the envelope

Note: Recommendation letters from primary school is NOT necessary in the application but not in the interview

  1. Office hours of school:

Mon to Fri    ( 7:30 am to 5:30 pm )

Sat                ( 8:30 am to 1:00 pm )

  1. Interview
    • All applicants will be informed to attend an interview by post on or before 4 March 2023 while interviews will be conducted in 11 March 2023, please contact the general office for assistance if there are any problems concerning the interview.
    • Students are expected to show the listed abilities during the interview regarding the following areas:

      • Chinese, English and Maths skills
      • Communication skills/responding
      • Etiquette 
      • Common knowledge
      • Potentiality in sports and arts
      • Learning attitude
      • Family life
      • Adaptability
  1. Criteria for the selection of S1 Discretionary Places are as follows:

    Rank order list (provided by EDB)                                              10%
    Academic results in the primary school                                    20%
    Interview                                                                                         30%
    Conduct and remarks in primary school                                   20%
    Extra-curricular activities, services and awards                       20%
  1. Number of discretionary places for admission to Secondary One in September2023: 40

  2. Notes to application

A student may apply to not more than two participating schools listed in the handbook for application for Secondary One Discretionary Places.  Otherwise, the chance of acquiring a Discretionary Place will be forfeited.

  1. Parents of successful applicant will be notified of their children’s inclusion of in the Successful Lists for Discretionary Places of our school by letter and phone on Friday, 31 March 2023.

Personal Information Collection Statement
Personal data from parents submitted is regarded as a kind of privacy issues. The information provided will be used by the School for the purpose of processing F.1 Discretionary Places only. No one can access or disclose the information to the third parties without the permission of the principal. All the admission application data for unsuccessful applicants will be kept properly and discarded by the School after the completion of admission process.

.  學校消息


(1) 中文報名表格


 (3) 最新一期(2022年11月)校訊

(4) 英文刊物 -  HORIZONS

(5) 2022年5月疫情停課後活動資訊 (影片)

(6)佛教何南金中學 - 醫護界畢業生專訪 2022 (影片)



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

電話 | Telephone:23400871

傳真 | Fax:23473665

電郵 | Email:enquiry@bhnkc.edu.hk