Janie Potgieter @ X'Mas activity

I am very glad to be a new member of staff at Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College, I have already been made to feel welcome by both staff and students.

I come from South Africa, but I spent a few years teaching in Taiwan before I came to Hong Kong in 2009.  I taught kindergarten, elementary and high school in Taiwan before leaving to pursue my teaching career further in South Africa.  In South Africa I taught high school students from different backgrounds English as a first or second language, depending on their mother tongue.  


I hold a degree in English and Linguistics from the University of South Africa, as well as a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from the same institution.  I am currently working towards my Masters degree in Second Language Acquisition.

I believe that all students have the capacity to be good learners, and that there should always be a “can do” attitude in the classroom.  Thus I expect my students to adopt the same air of positivity in the English class.  I hope that the students will be motivated to try their best in the English lessons and that we will build an environment in which everyone will thrive.

I look forward to a building a lasting relationship with the staff and students at Ho Nam Kam College.





比賽名稱 : 第六屆全港中學聯校模型滑翔機飛行大賽

比賽日期: 2009年12月17日

頒獎日期: 2010年3月26日

主辦機構: 藝術與科技教育中心

簡介: 全港約有60間學校共171名學生參加比賽﹐本校則派出物理科四名代表參加, 包括4A陳曉丹﹑4A黎俊宇﹑4A林釗杰﹑4A王港富。

個人獎項 : 4A王港富同學於比賽當日成績優異﹐力壓眾多參賽者, 並獲得"全場總"--季軍"。

團體獎項 : 由於比賽當日本校隊伍積極投入﹑表現出色﹐最後力壓眾多參賽者﹐獲得"飛行團隊大獎"--冠軍。




Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

電話 | Telephone:23400871

傳真 | Fax:23473665

電郵 | Email:enquiry@bhnkc.edu.hk