
協助訓導與輔導的學生團體 —— 領袖生與學長團隊於十月下旬一同進行宣誓及就職典禮, 並在全校同學的見證下接受校長委任,肩負服務同學的重要使命。領袖生主要為同學進行髮服儀容檢查,並於課前及午膳後在各樓層巡視;學長團體以中一新生為主要服務對象,並透過舉辦活動於校園凝造和諧關愛的氛圍。

教學實踐可參考《香港大學 電子學習.新世代 IX》P. 19

The English Fun N' Games Interclass Competition successfully took place on November 10th at the school hall. The event, organized by the English department, featured three exciting games - English Table Tennis, Charades, and Quote Matching.
The intense competition saw students from different classes put their English language skills to the test. In the table tennis match, players had to be quick-thinking and be able to name as many words in a category while keeping the ping-pong ball in play. While in English Charades, competitors had to act out English words while others have to correctly guess the word. The quote matching game challenged students to match famous quotes with the Chinese equivalent.
With their exceptional teamwork and quick-thinking skills, Class 4A emerged as the winners, with a score of 67. While the runners-ups areClass 5A, with 65 points, and Class 4B, with 58, who put up a close fight!
The English Fun n' Games Interclass Competition was a huge success, bringing together students from different levels to showcase their English proficiency in a fun and competitive environment. Congratulations to Class 4A for their well-deserved victory! Thank you to all the teachers, students and English ambassadors who made this event possible!



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


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