
2021年6月首個星期五,隨著放學鐘聲響後,馬寶紅副校長號召大家注視操場中央。隨即,林聖源老師指揮敲擊手開場。陣陣鼓聲於全校迴響,吸引師生在各樓層圍觀欣賞﹗隨後,管樂團近30位成員從四方湧現,演奏“Dr. Rock”《搖滾博士》一曲。曲風振奮,令現場氣氛高漲。演後,觀眾掌聲不斷,高呼重奏,一同樂在其中。

林聖源老師分享:「各團員全力以赴,令首演成功,實在值得欣賞! 寄望學生對音樂的熱愛成為成長不可或缺的部份,造詣與日俱增。」


The Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College Concert Band made its first performance last week just in time to give their schoolmates a morale boost before the examinations. The band eloquently performed the piece “Dr. Rock”, composed by Chuck Elledge.

The performance started as the Vice Principal, Ms. Ma Po Hung called upon the school to turn their attention to the centre of the playground. Our Music teacher, Mr. Lam Shing Yuen then directed the percussionists to start off the show by rounds of drumming. The show peaked when 30 band members appeared from all directions and played with uncontainable energy. The audience standing outside the school corridors responded with thunderous applause after being pumped up by the band’s spectacular performance.

“All band members fully dedicated themselves for the success of this show. Their efforts are highly appreciated. We hope that the love for music continues to grow among our students,” Mr. Lam commented.

The Concert Band was established last year with the majority of the members being from Secondary 1 to 3 students. Despite the pandemic of COVID-19, all members are well-trained and readily prepared for this day. While abiding all hygiene and safety measures, everyone was able to practise safely and diligently for this flash mob debut.