F.3 students took part in different activities in order to learn how to spend money wisely.  They competed in groups to gain points and then used the points to bid commodities they wanted.  During the 1-hour lesson, students applied their communication skills and the knowledge they learned to work well with others. They enjoyed the games and snacks they won.

出線八組同學於22/3午飯時段於有蓋操場內售賣多款美食及精品, 可以一展身手,實踐他們的生財大計。
1. 彬彬美食店
2. 美少女廚房
3. 我哋羸晒
4. 祝君好
5. 撈冷麵
6. 嗯
7. 時代馬戲團
8. 2023扶貧工作
出線隊伍售賣的美食多達21款, 任君選購:
壽司, 雞翼, 啫喱, 菠蘿腸仔, 薄餅, 雪媚娘, 布甸, 芋頭奶磚, 楊枝金露, 珍珠奶茶, 脆多士, 撈冷麵, 曲奇, 麻糬, 檸檬茶, 豆腐花, 冰糖葫蘆, 甜甜圈, 薯片, 壽司, 香腸年糕……..

On Saturday 25th of March 2023, twenty-two junior form students took part in the AFS Intercultural Fair. They had a great opportunity to interact with exchange students, aged from 14 to 16, from France, Spain, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Brazil and Japan. Apart from attending presentations of various cultures, our students enjoyed great fun with dancing and playing games which are originated from respective countries. The two-and-a-half-hour event ended with photo-taking, and exchanging social media contacts. 
All participating students were enthusiastic about chatting with the exchange students to know about their lifestyles, and learning experiences in both Hong Kong and their home country. They valued such an occasion to use English as an international language for exchanging ideas, and welcoming foreign students to our city. Students feel inspired to go for an exchange programme in upcoming years.

本年3月30日,中五同學參加了由公民科協辦的生活趣味雙周活動︰ 鯉魚門歷史文化遊及茶粿工作坊。同學們透過參觀,認識客家文化及鯉魚門的變遷 ; 而在茶粿製作過程中,更體驗到食物是得來不易的,簡簡單單的一個點心,是經過不同的工序,所有食材皆取於大自然,最後由一對巧手製作出來,是值得承傳的中華美食。

踎大排檔、 點心車在茶樓四處走動、 站在木板上打鞦韆、 街邊車仔檔拮魚蛋、 㵦金屬造的滑梯、坐人力車、光顧涼茶鋪……這些都是昔日香港的標誌。



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


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